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Use of the Spond App

Updated: Mar 12, 2021

We’re going to start using an app called Spond to gauge availability for adult games.

The below example shows how simple it is to use. Events will appear on your home screen, you just choose your event (game or training) and confirm your availability. It works best when everyone buys into using it.

Download and Sign-Up

To download and sign-up it's simple, just follow the below link (from your phone), create an account and then in the Groups section input the code if it asks. We suggest if you are doing this as a parent/guardian on behalf of your son or daughter, you create the account in their name, not yours else it becomes confusing for our captains.

The important bit...

Once you are signed-up and have added yourself to our Group you will recieve notifications when new matches are on the horizon and a week prior to training, asking you to confirm your availability. It is important you respond to these! It would be sensible to keep notifications turned on. We promise you won't be bombarded! And in turn this should help keep the WhatsApp group free from all those thumbs up availability messages! It also means you'll get fewer emails from me!


Will and the Captains



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