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The Bar Is Opening!

Updated: Jul 21, 2020

The bar will be re-opening from Saturday 4th July.

The good news is that we do intend to re-open the club bar at the following times (all times are approximate):

  • Saturdays 12pm to 2:30pm

  • Thursdays 6pm to 8.30pm

  • Fridays 6.30pm to 8.30pm

However due to ongoing Government regulations, restrictions and guidance, we need to introduce changes to the way we operate. This means that for an initial period:

  • All drinks/snacks should be consumed outdoors – there will be no seating set out in the clubroom. If weather is adverse the bar (and pavilion) will be closed.

  • Drinks will be served in single use disposable glasses. After use please put these in the blue top recycling bin (or take them home!)

  • There will be only one volunteer serving so please be patient. Orders will be taken at the front of the bar and drinks placed for collection at the far end.

  • Our range of drinks and snacks may be more restricted than usual.

  • To protect yourselves and the volunteers who serve you, please queue with Social Distancing, keep distant from the bar counter, follow signage/floor markings. Please minimise your trips to the bar (eg. get rounds in !) and do not remain in the clubroom

  • Hand sanitiser will be provided – please use on entering the building to access the bar and/or toilets.

  • Whenever possible please pay by contactless card.

  • Consider wearing a face covering when inside the pavilion.

  • We need to keep a record of people using the bar, please co-operate by providing your names and contact details. Please bring your own pen/pencil!

Social Distancing – A Reminder

The Government still strongly advises keeping 2 METRES APART whenever possible. Where this is impractical it can be reduced to 1m but with mitigation.

Groups of no more than 6 people (from more than 2 households) may meet OUTSIDE

with Social Distancing.

Larger groups must be from no more than 2 households.

Gatherings of more than 30 people are prohibited.

Indoors groups must be from 1 or 2 households only.

We’re looking forward to seeing you again soon. Please help us by co-operating with the new arrangements, and above all STAY SAFE!


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