We have had the following information sent to us by Gary Stanley, Chair of the SCL.
"With the season on the horizon, we wanted to provide you with some information regarding our plans if indeed we are again affected by the pandemic.
Firstly, we are approaching this very much with the intention that the season will begin as normal on 1st May, or 8th May for some of you. If there are no further setbacks, there is no reason why recreational cricket should not be allowed by then. It is likely that, for at least the first part of the season, we would be operating under a similar set of social distancing measures to those we became familiar with in 2020, including limited availability of facilities and, somewhat ironically, no provision of teas. Your fixtures should be ready to be published in the next week or so, followed shortly thereafter by the cup draws for those involved.
If we are forced to change our plans, we of course have the benefit of having faced the same problem last year, and the plan is pretty similar to what we did then. It is too early to give exact dates, but: -
There will be a decision made by the Exec by mid-April at the latest on whether the scheduled start is achievable.
If not, the fixtures in May will be cancelled and we will aim for a start on the first Saturday in June.
Up to that stage, there would still be full promotion and relegation.
If we decide by mid-May that a June start is not possible, we will revert to a half season of fixtures, beginning in early July.
At this stage, the Exec would review and make a decision on promotion and relegation.
If a half season is not possible, then the league program will be scrapped altogether and it's back to the August Cup. Whilst this was a great success last year, I think we all hope that we never have to repeat it!
We have the preseason League Council meeting scheduled for Monday 29th March and we should have much more certainty around the season by then. We will of course stay in touch as and when updates need to be given. Please keep an eye out for further e-mails on various matters including the next SCF webinar scheduled for 22nd February 2021 and cup dates."