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Bank Holiday Monday Round-Up

Updated: Oct 30, 2020

Coronavirus may have prevented us from doing our usual six/eight a-side tournament at the Rec but we stumbled across a winning alternative formula this year and had just as much fun.

Four teams took to the field(s) at both West Chilt and Thakeham, all dressed in fancy dress and looking resplendent. We had the convicts, the festival goers, 118 118 and the lederhosen!

The format switched to 10x10 ball overs per innings worked like a dream. In essence we launched The Hundred.

The Convicts won narrowly over 118 118 at Thakeham first up, whilst over at Chilt Lederhosen overcame the Festival Goers. The Convicts went on to win the final at Chilt with 118 118 taking 3rd place. Fortunately no bifold doors or car windscreens were damaged in the process, only Simon Witham's hamstring after two decades in retirement.

Huge thanks to Jason and Mandy for their efforts getting the day sorted, our ground staff Jim and Sam, our scorers and umpires and all who helped behind the bar and tidy up at the end of the day.

Congratulations to the winning team...

Callum Wyatt

Chris Seaton

Jacob Aichroth

Kipp Batchelor

Hugo Gillespie

Gus James

Tim van Noort

Sam Collyer

Simon Crisp

George Bryans

Adam Trees


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